
Sunday, 17 April 2011

Quit Smoking Cold Turkey Tips

The prospect of putting quit smoking cold turkey tips into practice, no matter how easy and simple they may appear in black and white, are as difficult as clapping with one hand...

Most people may be well aware of the term, 'cold turkey'. Before I knew the real meaning, I had assumed it to do something with a recipe that uses cold turkey as one its ingredients. Well, for those who are not abreast of it, it actually refers to a process that involves the shunning of a habit with immediate effect. When this process is
taken up, it does not give any scope for the person to abandon the habit with a gradual pace. Same goes with the aim of the quit smoking cold turkey tips. If you are someone who have decided to opt for this method to shun the habit of smoking, then you cannot do it by a gradual reduction or by using some kind of replacement. Once you make up your mind to do away with it, it goes down in one shot. The nature of this method is what makes it a difficult process, where not everyone do well.

It would be quite an impossibility to see a chain smoker to not to be smoking even once, after he is in the cold turkey process. Moreover, because the body becomes so accustomed to the intake of nicotine, quitting it immediately gives rise to nicotine withdrawal symptoms. This is what which makes this process a tough nut to crack, especially for those who are into smoking since childhood; I mean, for a very long time! The below data has described some very effective quit smoking cold turkey tips for those who have decided to hate smoke and love life...

Tips to Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

Quit Smoking Cold Turkey Withdrawal Symptoms

Before we come to the quit smoking cold turkey tips, I would like to let you know about the withdrawal symptoms I was talking about in the above segment. These may be known as quit smoking cold turkey side effects. And they may include:
Lack of sleep
Increased irritability
Stress and depression
Increase appetite
Weight gain
Strong craving for smoke
Hampered concentration
All these side effects may appear intimidating, but the good thing is, they tend to diminish with time. And if someone is able to take them head on in the early stages, then he develops a strong defense against the urge to smoke as time goes by.

Having done with the side effects of following the tips to quit smoking cold turkey, it's time we touch on the subject what we are here for - the quit smoking cold turkey tips.

Quit Smoking Cold Turkey Tips

The very first of all the tips to quit smoking cold turkey, is about building a wall of will power inside you. This wall has to be so strong that it can withstand the immense force of smoke cravings, which you will develop while you make your way in this process. Once you are able to build this kind of wall, things will get much easier. And one of the effective tools to strengthen your will power is the knowledge of the risks of smoking and the benefits which you can reap if you stop smoking.

So to begin with the tips to quit smoking cold turkey, stress is one of the main triggering factors to make you smoke. So if you are stressed out, then it would be a good idea to take a short vacation. Take enough time to de-stress yourself. Once your mind gets rejuvenated, you will notice that your cravings have become lesser.

Then comes the importance of keeping yourself hydrated, as one of the most effective quit smoking cold turkey tips. When the water level in your body is up to the required amount, your body would find it easier to fight off the withdrawal symptoms. Also, the water would help to flush your system of the impurities.

In all these years of continuous smoking, it is most likely that your mouth must have become accustomed to the feel of the cigarette and its smoke. So, keeping your mouth busy is also another smart way to deceive the cravings of your body. Whenever you feel that you should get some smoke, pop in a sugarless gum or a hard candy and enjoy the taste, reminding yourself that you have taken the endeavor to quit smoking.

Bringing on some changes in your lifestyle would sure help you through the difficult stages when you have to struggle with following the quit smoking cold turkey tips. These changes may be trying on some new exercises, or may be adding new recipes to your diet. Developing the habit of reading a book before bed time, instead of watching T.V. may also help. All such changes strive to make you feel different and give a new feeling altogether. And that is the reason why, whenever, you want to know about how to quit smoking cold turkey, you have to know about including different changes in your lifestyle.

Looks like I am done with my say on the quit smoking cold turkey tips for you. Before I leave, know that, apart from following all such measures, it is very important that you get ample support from your friends and family. Quitting smoking is no less than a battle, where you have to slay down thousands of enemies all by yourself. And when you feel that you are losing it, call for your near and dear ones' help and you will never fail. It is better if you not worry about the quit smoking timeline of this process. Just make a conscious effort to follow all these tips and go on with it, until one day when you see a cigarette and say 'hey, what is this thing?'...

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