
Friday, 22 April 2011

Tips to Quit Smoking

Tips to Quit Smoking
Did you know that smoking tops the list of preventable causes of death in the United States. Some simple, yet effective, tips to quit smoking given below will help you get rid of this addiction without having to face much problems.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), smoking tobacco is the leading preventable cause for deaths in the United States, with as many as 440,000 deaths every year. Almost 1.1 billion
individuals across the world are habitual smokers, and this high rate of prevalence can be attributed to two major factors - first, ignorance about the hazardous effects of smoking, and second, inability to cope up with smoking cessation. Not surprisingly though, the latter has a more important role to play. If how to quit smoking cold turkey is something you are trying hard to figure out, you need to understand that it is not at all an easy task to do so. While there do exist numerous tips to quit smoking cold turkey, the feeling of discomfort associated with them makes it difficult to stick to the plan.

Tips to Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Everyday around a thousand people in the United States quit smoking - by dying, and no sensible person out there will prefer to take that way out. The better part, however, is that there are a couple of easy way to stop smoking which can work in your favor, but only if you really intend to do so. Given below is a compilation of some simple tips which will help you in your stop smoking escapade.

Everything Starts With a Thought
You need to start by thinking about quitting smoking. The foremost question to answer would be as to why you need to quit smoking. There are numerous reasons to do so, right from for the sake of your own health to the sake of your family. Whatever reason you choose, you need to make sure it's important and you will stick by it. In order to make sure you succeed, you will have to make a realistic plan which will be convenient for you to execute. Lastly, you need to make sure that you discuss your plans with your family and friends, their inputs will be of significant help for you.

Choose an Approach and Implement it
You can either go cold turkey or decrease the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. If you are wondering which is the best way to stop smoking, you need to understand that both ways have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it's your will power which will matter at the end of the day. If you choose to opt for cold turkey method, you will have to stick by it irrespective of how much you crave for that one last puff. Once you give in to you craving for that last puff, it will bring you back to square one and that would mean you will have to start it from all over again. Reducing the number of cigarettes per day is sometimes better than going cold turkey, especially when you start experiencing the numerous nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Be Prepared for Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms are bound to set in when you stop smoking tobacco. While some of these nicotine withdrawal symptoms will start surfacing within 24 hours, others will start surfacing after a week or so. In either case, being prepared for these withdrawal symptoms will help you be better equipped with various measures to tackle them. You can even resort to medical help or stop smoking aids to ensure that you don't give in to your body's cravings for nicotine. The cravings will be at their peak after 72 hours from the moment you stop smoking, and then they will slowly start subsiding. What you need to do is to hand on!

A large number of people who try these tips to quit smoking are not able to cope up with the psychological as well as physical stress involved in the process, and eventually give up on their goal. You need a lot of patience and strong will power to make it to your goal of quitting this habit. At times, you may even face a range of health problems when you give up on the habit of smoking. This is where, you will require to be focused on your goal, continue with the same determination and the end result is bound to be in your favor.

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