
Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Cigarette Warning Labels - Do They Work?

Warning labels were adapted in the late 1960s with a minor note saying "Smoking can be Hazardous to Health". It was only the 1970s that confirmed, smoking could kill. And, in 1985 other labels including warnings for Lung Cancer, Heart Diseases, Emphysema and that Smoking during pregnancy is Dangerous, were added.

Smoking is one habit that people are not ready to quit even when they are dying. This is because cigarette smoking leads to a rapid addiction for nicotine and is as addictive as alcohol and cocaine. Also, the placebo pleasures associated with smoking like stress relief, calmness and weight loss are other factors that keep the smokers addicted. "Cigarette Kills", "Cigarettes Cause Cancer" - these warnings do not help people quit or even reduce smoking. They are in fact ignored like they were meant to add 'grace' to the

Other Way To Quit Smoking | Stop Smoking

Smoking Cessation Programs
"How to quit smoking" “I want to quit smoking” are sentences that have been uttered so many times, some survive the nicotine withdrawal and ultimately kick out the habit while others tried to win the battle but sadly failed. It has come to the point that when a habitual user says these words, those who hear him smirk in disbelief. Perhaps one must look at the entire process of how to quit smoking as a fight, a battle, where the stakes are high - your life and your family’s welfare! So it is better to stop just mimicking those words but start taking the matter of how to quit smoking seriously.

Well, how does one win a battle? Preparations have to be

Cigarette Smoking And Its Health Risks

Smoking and your health:

Cigarette smoking is the most preventable cause of illness and death in the United States. A large number of Americans smoke cigarettes, and each year more than one million children and adults start smoking cigarettes. Many people die every year from illnesses caused by smoking. People who smoke die earlier than those who do not smoke. The risk of disease increases if you smoke a lot, inhale deeply, or have smoked many years.

Why are cigarettes bad for you?

Cigarettes are filled with poison that goes into the lungs when you inhale. Coughing, dizziness, and burning of the eyes, nose, and throat are early signs that smoking is harming you. Smoking increases your health risks if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or high blood cholesterol. The long-term problems of smoking cigarettes are