"How to quit smoking" “I want to quit smoking” are sentences that have been uttered so many times, some survive the nicotine withdrawal and ultimately kick out the habit while others tried to win the battle but sadly failed. It has come to the point that when a habitual user says these words, those who hear him smirk in disbelief. Perhaps one must look at the entire process of how to quit smoking as a fight, a battle, where the stakes are high - your life and your family’s welfare! So it is better to stop just mimicking those words but start taking the matter of how to quit smoking seriously.
Well, how does one win a battle? Preparations have to be
made. Knights of the olden days would sharpen their swords and lances. They would have ensured that their armours are repaired, cleaned and working well. They are in a sense engaging in external preparations. After which they would proceed to their internal preparations which consists of prayers to their Gods and in bidding farewell to their fair ladies.
The answer to how to quit smoking lies in your preparations. That is, make preparations just like you are a knight going for a battle in order to have a better chance at triumph.
How To Quit Smoking - The Internal Preparations
As warriors or knights, one has to first prepare for the battle mentally. The internal preparations entail the preparation of the mind, soul and spirit.
The first step on how to quit smoking is that the mind has to be focused on the goal to quit the habit. It is the commitment to see that the goal will eventually be achieved. In times of weakness, knowing that there are friends and loved ones cheering you on and lending support helps you take control of the situation.
You can have a buddy or person you respect and whom you would not want to disappoint to be the person you will report your progress to. Thus, not wanting him to be disappointed, you would keep to the goal. You can keep a smoking journal to record your daily consumption and thus keep yourself in check. The entire process of how to quit smoking depends greatly on how strong is your intention to quit the habit. So you should prepare yourself well.
How To Quit Smoking - The External Preparations
You may have come across some ‘How To Quit Smoking’ books telling you that the best method to quit smoking is by adopting the cold turkey method. But this does not work out well for every smoker as it involves abrupt and complete withdrawal from cigarettes. The other method called conditioning seems to work much better. Here, you condition your body to withdraw from the habit slowly. To immediately deprive it of nicotine would be catastrophic. You would be able to survive a day or two, but when the hunger to smoke returns, it is far greater and more intense. Thus trying to quit smoking the next time around would be more difficult.
Just like warriors and the knights, you will need the proper tools to help you. There are nicotine patches, lozenges, and even gums to help supply nicotine in small amounts, just as needed, by your body. These are over the counter products that you can purchase at the pharmacy or grocery store. Generally they are as effective as the prescription drugs issued to help smokers quit smoking. But prescription drugs have been proven to have a better success rating primarily because these are administered by the doctor who keeps the patient under a strict program.
Remember that there are different methods on how to quit smoking. The success of the endeavour does not only rely on preparations but also on your acceptance and readiness to seek help.
Food and Herbs.
ReplyDeleteMiso Residue and removed smoking toxic effects.
Shoyu Residue and removed smoking toxic effects.
Turmeric finished smoking Carcinogenic toxic effects.
Tea root Calamus helps reduce Demand to smoking.
Mullein tea helps reduce Demand to smoking.
Oats helps to reduce smoking.
Sakami helps reduce Demand to smoking.
Sunflower seeds a very good alternative to smoking because they increase the release of brain and adrenal hormone production increases Glycogen
Adrenal system Replenishment of adrenal hormones improves adrenal system from cigarette smoking Toxic effects.
ALOE VERA IS A IDEAL COMPOSITION OF NATURAL ingredients IT SUITABLE FOR HEALTH its ingredients are contain high quality value of nutrients these refresh and recondition ours BODY, MIND and SOUL ,boost immunity & create spiritual energy also and ALLEVIATES THE SMOKING BAD EFFECTS
Methylxanthines increases the demand for smoking.
Caffeine increases the demand for smoking.
Send a message to HOMEO DR. fatehyab ali syed Bsc (Food & Nutrition) DHMS (Lahore 1974) RMP.